We are writing a fantastic FREE Payday Loans Ebook which will contain everything on this site and more, in a concise, easy to read, honest manner.
It’s not quite ready yet but we CAN tell you that it is called Payday Loans – Exposed! We will detail all the ins and outs of payday loans both in the UK AND in the US – in fact we might make 2 separate guides to keep things simple.
We will detail ALL of the most reputable and trustworthy payday lenders – and this is DIRECT lenders, NOT brokers. We don’t believe in promoting brokers, because when you apply, you have no idea how many companies your personal information is sent to, and that doesn’t sit right with us.
You can read more about why we only write about direct payday lenders, no brokers, here.
We scour the forums looking for honest feedback from people who have personally used each payday loans company and only these will make it into our guide.
If you’d like to be one of the first to receive this great free gift when it is ready, please fill in the form below and we’ll send it to you just as soon as it’s ready. Thanks for visiting!
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